How Does Alexa Gather Information from Websites?
In 2023, there hardly can be found a person who does not imagine a speaker and the distinctive voice of Alexa when her name comes up. This famous personality is a support system for millions of people worldwide. A product of Amazon, Alexa is known for helping it’s owners with finding out search results for them through voice. But have you ever wondered - how does Alexa gather information from websites? Our SEO agency in USA is here to answer that question!
Let’s Get The Basics
First of all, let us shed light on a statement that can be found on the Alexa website: “Alexa could not exist without the participation of the Alexa Toolbar community," reads the statement. “In addition to receiving a useful tool, each community member gives back. Every member contributes valuable information about the web by using the Firefox, Chrome, and IE toolbars...." The highlighted lines above indicate that Alexa is dependent on the number of toolbars installed by website visitors.
To understand this better, let us take a scenario: if someone visits a website something.com and the Alexa toolbar has not been installed on their browser, Alexa will not even be able to determine that they have visited the website.
Therefore, it is entirely dependent on whether or not the visitor uses the Alexa tool.
What About the Country Rank on Alexa?
This indicates that Alexa is also displaying inaccurate visitor data by country. If the majority of visitors to your website have installed the Alexa toolbar from that country, your website's Alexa rank will pass with flying colors in that country. It's possible that the nation from which you receive the greatest number of visitors is not your home country.
To put it another way, if your SEO agency has accurate figures and data regarding the people who visit your website, then you are aware of the nation from which the majority of them originate. After comparing Alexa's statistics to those of your custom analytics, you will be amazed. The difference between Alexa's statistics and your solid Analytics figure will be like heaven and hell. Your website will be ranked fairly by Alexa for a country that, based on your solid statistics, may be providing very little traffic.
Some Comparisons
Let's compare Alexa and Google Analytics' real-world data in order to better understand the above jargon. After installing the GA Tracking Code on the website under observation, one can make the comparison between Alexa and Google Analytics. This indicates that you have allowed Alexa to track all of your visitors, but not Google Analytics.
If a website under observation receives the majority of its visitors from India according to the metrics above from Analytics, there are chances that Alexa Metrics will indicate that it is completely upside down. According to Alexa, most visitors would be from India. Consequently, India's rank will be displayed instead of the United States. If you use Google Analytics, you should check your website's Alexa and Analytics stats now.
If No Alexa Toolbar Users Visit My Website, What Will Happen?
Let us take a website which did not seem to attract any Alexa Toolbar users. On Alexa, one might note the following:
The text with a red border will state that there is insufficient data because not enough Alexa Toolbar users are visiting this new website. Alexa also requires users to sign up and become certified in order to obtain direct traffic measurement.
Which is Superior: Google Analytics or Alexa?
We can say that you can not get real statistics from any analytics tool until you add the tracking code to your website. Google Analytics is the same way and experts highly recommend it. Google Analytics is available for free and has sufficient data to support your analysis. In contrast, Alexa will charge you for even a small amount of real-world data after the seven-day trial period has ended.
Can Alexa Be Blamed For Displaying Incorrect Statistics?
According to Alexa's website, the stats depend on how many people have installed the Alexa toolbar on your website. If you have not signed up with Alexa yet, it is up to your SEO services agency in Ashburn USA to decide how seriously you take your Alexa status.
There are many SEO services companies talking about Alexa’s drop in rankings. Some SEO professionals have put in a lot of effort, but they have yet to discover a way to raise their Alexa ranking. You can logically understand how Alexa records traffic and visitor statistics by reading this post, which will answer nearly all of your queries regarding Alexa stats. To know more, visit Collegewebbuilders.com.
- Tags: Marketing, Onlline, Internet